Can't control sugar-cravings?


Fatigued and Dealing with brain fog?

It's probably time for a RESET!

Let go of stubborn pounds, balance hormones, release toxins, and FEEL GREAT again!

Join the Waitlist for

the Fall Reset!

We'll let you know when registration opens.

I'm In!

Let go of excess weight

Let go of toxins

Let go of brain fog

Let go of cravings

Weight-loss doesn’t have to be painful.

There are effective and healthy ways to lose weight and keep it off. Once you LET GO of toxins, you will finally feel great once again.

It is POSSIBLE to release weight and keep it off,

WITHOUT feeling deprived or hungry.

What's the difference between a DIET and a RESET?

In a diet, you find yourself trying to count every calorie you eat, which understandably causes you to become frustrated and give up. At the end of the day, you find yourself hungry, deprived, and lethargic.

This program isn't about starving your body, fasting, juicing, eating strange food combinations, or taking lots of supplements. Instead, it's about learning how to use delicious foods as fuel for your best body.


  • Releasing excess weight without willpower.
  • Feeling freedom with food as you finally eat in a way that nourishes you rather than feeling deprived and hungry.
  • Falling in love with the way your body looks and feels.
  • And getting off the diet roller coaster.
I'm In!


I’m Einat Shinar, the founder of Food for the Body and Soul. I am a certified Nutrition, mindset & Health Coach, and a Menopause Specialist. 

I am passionate about helping ambitious professional women over 40 shift their mindset and gradually create healthy habits in order boost their natural energy, shed excess pounds (and sustain weight loss), heal their sleep, and successfully manage emotional eating. 

This allows them to not only feel and look their best, but regain control of their lives, and confidently show up and perfume every single day!

My approach is holistic as I integrate EFT tapping, Reiki as well as other effective healing modalities into my coaching practice.

In the meantime, join my FREE Women only Facebook Group, so I can support you using this link: